About this integration

  • Das Handelsregister contains data related to registered businesses in Germany, including company names, legal forms, registration numbers, addresses, ownership details, financial reports, and information about directors and shareholders, as well as records of any legal events affecting the company's status.
  • It covers various types of companies and legal entities, including sole proprietorships (Einzelunternehmen), partnerships (Personengesellschaften), limited liability companies (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung - GmbH), joint-stock companies (Aktiengesellschaft - AG), and other entities subject to German registration requirements.
  • Companies in Germany typically use Das Handelsregister for verifying the legal status and background information of other businesses they intend to engage with, for due diligence in transactions, legal compliance, contract negotiations, and decision-making related to partnerships, investments, or business expansion.


Corporate Registers
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