Mateusz Pniewski

CEO @ TransactionLink

12 Best ID Verification APIs on the Market

Tasked with finding the right ID verification API for your business can be overwhelming. Our list of the best APIs on the market can help educate you on which verification tool your business needs.

Identity verification is top on mind for so many businesses every day. If your industry is travel, banking, fintech, online gaming, etc, ID verification is needed to protect your business against fraud. In most countries compliance regulations will highlight the level of protection your industry requires but if you operate in multiple jurisdictions make sure you are aware of global AML regulations for your business.

Tasked with finding the right ID verification API for your business can be overwhelming. Not only does it need to meet all AML, KYC, and KYB requirements, it also needs to plug in seamlessly with other tools in your customer onboarding process. Our list of the best ID verification APIs on the market today can help educate you on which verification tool your business needs.

12 Best ID Verification APIs on the Market

1. Onfido 

When looking for an ID verification API, Onfido comes out on top with a library of award-winning document and biometric verification solutions, popular and trusted data sources, and fraud detection signals. Their automated verification makes it possible to deliver 95% of results in under 10 seconds for maximum conversion of customers. Regardless of if your business is local, global, or something in between, Onfido meets the diverse regulatory standards almost worldwide so you can use one vendor for all your verification needs.

Some of their services include document authentication, biometric verification through live photo or video, data validation, and fraud detection. 

2. Trulioo


Trulioo understands that not all KYC identity verification challenges are the same. They depend on the industry, the business, the customer, and much more. Their solution leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to ensure your ID verification is automated, making your onboarding process fast and seamless. Using 450+ data sources you can trust that your customers are vetted correctly every time.

Even your KYB needs are all inclusive with services ranging from high level business insights to stringent UBO authentication. Their data sources include government registries, credit data and public records. What’s more, you can easily design and fine tune workflows to meet shifting regulations worldwide, all without coding.

3. Ondato

Ondato mixes ID verification with an effective autocomplete service with their automated identity verification service. Using one of 10,000+ different types of global ID documents, their systems will pick up the necessary data to fill out the form. Concurrently the data is verified against numerous ID registries to validate that it isn't stolen. The authenticity of the identity is further guaranteed by a human KYC specialist.

Ondato describes their service as easy to use and safe, allowing you to cut the time it takes to onboard customers to under 60 seconds. With their solution you can mix and match their suite of tools to create a workflow that plugs into most customer data platforms so you can even retroactively monitor customer actions.

4. HyperVerge

HyperVerge is a business built for devices so they don’t force users to switch to their desktop to confirm their identity. Their technology works even on very low-bandwidths, on low-end devices to ensure smooth customer onboardings. Leading the way with single image passive liveness technology, you don’t need to make customers record videos or do more than take a selfie to verify their identity. What’s more, HyperVerge are ranked in the top 10 globally for their facial recognition algorithms so they know what they’re talking about.

HyperVerges’s identity verification API includes fraud checking, facial authentication, ID document and age verification, eKYC and other services and is one of only three global companies to hold the iBeta Certified for ISO 30107 for passive single image liveness. 


As a NIST 800-63-3 IAL2 and AAL2 compliant solution, is a leading US ID verification API. They have over 98 million users, as well as partnerships with 30 states, 10 federal agencies, and over 500 name-brand retailers. There is some initial development work to get their tool up and running but, from there, it is a low touch, no code solution.

Their mantra is "No Identity Left Behind" and, due to this, the business helps you to contact customers to verify their identities to receive better service.’s multi-factor authentication allows for SMS OTP, code generator TOTP, push notifications, FIDO U2F key, and NFC-enabled mobile security key, giving your business lots of choices to verify customer identities.

6. Veriff

As a leader in identity verification and fraud prevention, Veriff’s platform comes with a 98% check automation rate, 6 second average decision time, over 11,000 identity documents are covered, and 95% of users are verified on the first try. They considerably reduce manual review time and fraud, with these biometric solutions. The benefits of using Veriff are fourfold: 

  • Fast decisions: With their product automations, identities are verified in about 6 seconds
  • Simple Experience: Simplifying onboarding gets 95% of users through on the first try
  • More Conversions: Up to 30% more customer conversions thanks to superior user experience and workflow management
  • Document Coverage: Over 11K covered IDs, in over 230 countries and territories, and in 45 languages

7. Token of Trust

Token of Trust offers a hassle free method to onboard your customer and prevent fraudulent activities, therefore allowing your organisation to be compliant with the latest local and federal regulations. Their technology allows for biometric screening and liveness verification to add an extra layer of trust within your onboarding process. Also, businesses can eliminate the need for manual paperwork by verifying the status of individuals against AML, Sanction, and Watchlists screens digitally.

Other things you should know include that they provide 256-bit SSL encryption for security, up to 7 years archival options, and the access to international watchlists. Alongside this, Token of Trust provides reporting to help businesses in highly regulated spaces stay on top of their work.

8. Jumio

Jumio automates and simplifies identity verification through artificial intelligence, machine learning and biometrics. This threefold process helps businesses improve their conversion rates, comply with regulations around KYC, KYB, AML, and prevent fraud. Their verification flow is simple

  1. ID check: Is the id provided authentic and valid?
  2. Similarity check: Is the person on the id and in the photo that same?
  3. Liveness check: Is the person on the id present during the time of verification?
  4. Answer: A simple yes or no is provided based on the above steps.

Jumio checks against known ID templates to ensure that all the requisite security checks (e.g., holograms, watermarks, font types, etc.) are present, therefore allowing for automated id verification.

9. iDenfy

Based out of Lithuania, iDenfy offers a range of verification solutions globally including facial recognition, liveness detection, KYB, AML screening, NFC verification, address and phone verification. They can also handle over 2.5k ID documents from 190+ countries, making your business safe in their hands when it comes to customer or business verification.

When it comes to their ID verification API they can accept documents like ID cards, passports, residence permits, driver licences, visas, military cards, proof of age cards, and much more. There are plenty of functions and customization options, like automation for questionnaires, and rules. Idenfy is a perfect solution for quick ID verification that is up to industry standard. 

10. Berbix

Berbix helps companies become and stay compliant with their ID verification API. You can instantly and accurately validate photo IDs, driver licences, and passports. Their multifaceted verification solution can confirm a user’s identity in 2 seconds and they can automate 100% of transactions.

They utilise real-time coaching to guide your customers through the id verification process to ensure the highest possible success rates. Even when your fallback rules kick in, Berbix can compare a new selfie to a previous one to reverify a customer anywhere in your onboarding flow.

11. SheerID

SheerID uses the motivation to redeem an offer, to inspire customers to verify their identity. They use 20,000+ authoritative data sources to verify customers instantly, while offering you a customisable integration to build trust with your customers. As this ID verification API is built with marketing and conversions in mind, re-engagement is simple and easy to do. Sending SMS or emails to your customers is simple and easy to do.

SheerID focuses on group acquisition so if your business works with military personnel, students, teachers, healthcare providers or first responders this is the right solution for you.

12. Prove

Prove technology is based on proving Possession, Reputation and Ownership for identity verification and authentication. The process is carried out invisibly through their phone.  Their Identity Verify solution matches a customer’s name, address and other information against verified data to calculate a matching score in order to verify a consumer's identity and phone ownership. Whether you're looking to verify identity for opening a customer account, onboarding a user, or verification of phone ownership, Prove has a suite of products to help you achieve verification fast and effectively.

What are the Most Common Methods Used to Verify Identity?

There are six common methods of verifying an identity. These are:

  • Biometric verification: Cross-checks a selfie against a person’s ID to make sure they are the same person
  • Database methods: Cross-references databases like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), credit bureaus, social media, etc to verify a person’s identity
  • ID document verification: Scrutinises the ID given (passport, driver’s licence, etc) to ensure it is legitimate
  • Knowledge-based authentication (KBA): Asks questions to the user based on information provided by third party verification platforms. These can be static, dynamic or customer-based questions
  • Liveness detection: Detects legitimacy of a selfie against spoofing, etc
  • Two-factor authentication: Requires the user to provide two (or more) verification factors before accessing an application or online account. These additional verification factors include an email address or phone number.

What is the Best Method to Validate an Online Identity?

Based on your business there can be a variety of best methods to use for identity verification. If your customers are low risk liveness detection or ID document verification could be enough if you. If your business is at high risk of fraud, database methods, knowledge-based authentication or two-factor authentication may be necessary to conduct business safely.

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